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Titan FX Team

Q: What is your trading style?

A: I often short at perceived highs and go long at perceived lows, resulting in positions that lack strong justification. While I do set stop-losses, I still end up with an overall negative result.

Q: What are your thoughts on joining the 10th Anniversary Lottery?

A. I began with a 30,000 yen deposit and was thrilled to win second prize in my first week! Now, I'm aiming for weekly tickets and the 10,000 yen attendance reward, all while dreaming of the Grand Prix. My main focus is on cutting losses to avoid a negative balance.

Q: What is your trading style?

A: I tend to prefer swing trading.

Q: What are your thoughts on joining the 10th Anniversary Lottery?

A. I wasn’t particularly conscious of it, but I was happy to win.
