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Titan FX Team

This week, Titan FX reaped yet another prestigious recognition of its efforts to set higher standards of excellence in CFD trading, as it was named "Best Forex Broker in Asia 2024" by Global Business & Finance Magazine.

The award comes at a time when Titan FX is doubling down on its efforts to deliver the best possible trading environment and to empower its traders with all the tools and knowledge they need to improve their financial outcomes. The Vanuatu-based broker is committed to building long-lasting relationships with its traders through utmost customer care.

"We are humbled to be recognized by such a prominent trade publication, especially after we went through so many operational improvements at all levels in the past 12 months. On behalf of the entire team, we sincerely thank the jury for this honour," said Titan FX Managing Director Martin St-Hilaire.
"We'll strive to win more awards in the years to come, not only for forex trading but also for all the other asset classes traded on our platform, from commodities to crypto to stock indexes."

With more than 150 employees working across nearly 20 countries, Titan FX is a force to be reckoned with in the global CFD trading industry. Its platform offers up to 1000:1 leverage on more than 330 instruments with true ECN execution and 24/5 live support.

Global Business & Finance Magazine has established its Awards program, now in its third year, to "recognize and honour individuals, companies and organizations that have made outstanding contributions to the field of business and finance." The selection process is strictly merit-based, ensuring that the awards are conferred to recipients who have “demonstrated exceptional contributions and impact within the business and finance sectors.”

See the full ist of GBFM 2024 Awards winners here
