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Titan FX Team

Have you joined the June Titan FX February Tournament? We interviewed the top 3 prize winners.


Most Traded:XAUUSD
Win Rate:66.64%

What made you participate in the tournament?

I have been using Titan FX and other brokers for a while. I saw on social media about Titan FX holding a trading contest, and since I could participate without using my own funds, I decided to join.

What was your strategy for successful trades?

I mainly traded GOLD, using support and resistance levels and RSI to wait for entry opportunities.

Did you have any unsuccessful trades?

As I am a day-time worker and cannot watch the charts during the day, I rushed to make profits with large lots during the limited time at night, which led to losses.

Any plans or lessons for the next tournament?

Since I am participating in the tournament, I aim to place in the rankings. Since using EAs is also allowed, I am considering participating in both discretionary trading and EAs as a new challenge.

What did you enjoy about the tournament?

To be honest, I was sceptical about whether I would actually receive the prizes for placing in the tournament. However, two days after the tournament ended, Titan FX sent the prizes, and I was deeply impressed by their excellent support.

Would you recommend Titan FX's tournament to friends?

Of course, I would recommend it. The more participants, the more exciting the contest becomes, and it is a great opportunity to take on a challenge with zero risk for users.


Most Traded:NAS100
Win Rate:99.71%

What made you participate in the tournament?

I saw it on Titan FX's website and decided to join.

What was your strategy for successful trades?

I used candlestick charts.

Did you have any unsuccessful trades?

None this time.

Any plans or lessons for the next tournament?

I would definitely like to participate again.

What did you enjoy about the tournament?

Overall, it was a very enjoyable tournament.

Would you recommend Titan FX's tournament to friends?

I have already invited my friends!


Most Traded:XAUUSD
Win Rate:73.07%

What made you participate in the tournament ?

I had been interested in Titan FX but hadn't found a reason to register. I had thought, "If there's ever a good promotion, I'll register." I happened to learn about this contest on social media, and since I was interested in Titan FX, I decided to join.

What was your strategy for successful trades?

I mainly traded XAUUSD. At the beginning of the contest, it was a range market, and since I had decided to focus on long positions, I waited for pullbacks before going long.

Did you have any unsuccessful trades?

I tried trading cryptocurrencies at the beginning, but since there was no particular volatility and lot restrictions, I quickly closed my positions.

Any plans or lessons for the next tournament?

This time, I focused on the broader trend and executed trades based on higher timeframe trends with lower timeframe reversals, which yielded good results. I realized that simple trades are strong. To aim for the top of the rankings, it's necessary to be bold without losing sight of the broader perspective, and I plan to continue this approach.

What did you enjoy about the tournament?

I was closely watching the charts towards the end, especially since the difference between me and the fourth-place contestant was narrow. It was not enjoyable, but it was memorable.

Would you recommend Titan FX's tournament to friends?

I would definitely recommend it to anyone involved in FX trading!

Click below to register for the next tournament !

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