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Aayush Jindal

Unfortunately, cybercrime is on the rise in these unprecedented times.

We feel now is a vital time to remind our clients how we communicate and share some security tips to keep your personal details safe.

Your security is important to us.

How We Communicate

  • Social Media and Messenger Apps. Titan FX never contacts clients via social media or messenger apps such as Messenger, Skype, Telegram, WhatsApp etc.
  • Live Chat. Feel free to contact us on live chat 24/5.
  • Email. All our emails are sent from xxxxx@titanfx.com. We will never ask you to provide login information.
  • Telephone / SMS. On rare occasions, we may call or SMS you. Yet again, we will never ask you to provide login information.

Security Tips

  • Ensure your anti-virus software is up to date
  • Run full virus and malware scans regularly.
  • Do not use free public wifi to access internet banking or trading platforms.
  • Keep your password safe. Ideally use a password-encryption service.
  • Change your passwords regularly.
  • Be wary of phishing websites, especially trading sites which promise unrealistic profiteering from FX and CFD trading.
  • Regularly update your OS and browser versions to protect your devices from security holes and the latest threats.

At Titan FX, please be assured that we keep all your details safe using best-in-class encryption and security procedures and run regular audits.

Let's work together to stop cybercrime and keep the internet safe.
