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Boost your deposits and trades for a shot at becoming one of our 500 lucky winners!

Celebrate Titan FX's 10-year anniversary with our exclusive lottery. We're offering 50 weekly cash prizes and a grand prize of $65,000 USD!

Don’t miss out on your chance to win big! Claim your share of the $130,000 USD prize pool!

Campaign Period

July 1, 2024 (Monday) 00:00 - September 8, 2024 (Sunday) 23:55* Registration starts June 24, 2024.

*Server time (GMT+3)

Eligible Accounts

All live Titan FX accounts

Campaign Benefits

  • Win the 65K USD grand prize!
  • Grab weekly 50 cash prizes.
  • Receive a guaranteed 65 USD reward by earning minimum one lottery ticket each week.

Boost your chances of winning by earning more tickets through your deposits and trades!

How to participate

  1. Register in the Client Cabinet and get your Promotion ID.
  2. Deposit 200 USD and trade 2.5 lots minimum ( Repeat no.2 til the end )
  3. Check the website for winners every week

* Check T&Cs for exact net deposit requirements in all currencies

Have Fun!

Campaign Details

How to Participate

  1. Register for the promotion in your Client Cabinet starting June 24th.
  2. From July 1st, make a net deposit of 200 USD and trade 2.5 lots minimum to earn your first virtual lottery ticket.

  3. Boost your chances by depositing and trading more to earn additional virtual lottery tickets.

  4. Track your progress easily in the Client Cabinet.

Join now and maximize your chances to win!


  • 65K USD grand prize
  • 50 weekly cash prizes
  • Perfect Attendance Reward Guaranteed 65 USD reward for earning a lottery ticket every week during the campaign

You can check the exact prize amounts in the terms and conditions below.

Terms & Conditions

For more information, check Terms & Conditions

Don’t miss out on your chance to win big!

Claim your share of the $130,000 USD prize pool!

TFX Tournaments


    1. Register for the promotion: Log in to the Client Cabinet, click on 'Promotion' in the menu, and then click on 'Register.' On the popup, select a trading account from the dropdown and click 'Register.' Once the registration is complete, you will receive a confirmation email. Please note that the registration to the promotion starts on June 24th, 1 week prior to the promotion.
    2. Net deposit at least 200 USD to your account (don’t forget to register first) from July 1st.
    3. Trade at least 2.5 lots from July 1st.
    4. Deposit and trade more to receive additional virtual lottery tickets.

  • Yes, you can join the promotion at any time during the promotion period.

  • The number of tickets can be seen in the Client Cabinet

  • Each ticket can only win once. Having more tickets increases your chances of winning multiple prizes throughout the promotion. However, please note that each trader is eligible to win only one prize per week.

  • The winning tickets will be selected randomly from all those who participate in the promotion, and the winners will be announced on our website and X account every week.

  • 50 weekly cash prizes and 1 grand cash prize are available to win. Check for more details in our Terms and conditions.

  • Yes. However, please note that withdrawing will affect your net deposit and may result in voiding some of your lottery tickets.

  • Yes, trades of different symbols will be combined for campaign requirements. Although you have to be aware that not all lots are equal. For FX and Gold instruments traded in SD and BD accounts, 1 lot is equivalent to 1 traded lot equivalent. For all other instruments, including those traded on micro accounts, 1 lot is equivalent to a trade value of 100,000 USD.

  • For FX and Gold instruments traded in SD and BD accounts, traded amount is recorded in lots. For all other instruments, including those on micro accounts, they are converted to traded lots equivalents, with 1 traded lot equaling a trade value of 100,000 USD.

  • It is the account you select while registering for the promotion. This account determines which currency your net deposits and prizes will be converted to.

  • No. You cannot change it.

  • No. You can make deposits and trade in any accounts you have. It will be summed up.

10 Years Strong.

For ten years, our traders have had access to the best execution, the tightest spreads and the right insights to trade at their best, anytime, anywhere.

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Care. Deliver. Empower.

  • We Deliver

    Get the best possible conditions to express your view on the market.

    • Wide range of instruments
    • Ultra-clean execution
    • Lowest spreads available
    • Deep liquidity/ECN matching
    • Pure 1000:1 leverage
    Read more
  • We Empower

    Stay informed and learn as you trade to improve your game over time.

    • Market insights
    • Educational resources
    • Technical Indicators
    • Expert Advisors (EA)
    • Transparent platform data
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  • We Care

    Get showered with attention from the moment you register.

    • Quick and easy onboarding
    • Fanatical 24/5 support
    • Frictionless UX
    • Industry-leading ethical standards
    • Community outreach
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We Deliver

Get the best possible conditions to express your view on the market.

  • Wide range of instruments
  • Ultra-clean execution
  • Lowest spreads available
  • Deep liquidity/ECN matching
  • Pure 1000:1 leverage
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We Empower

Stay informed and learn as you trade to improve your game over time.

  • Market insights
  • Educational resources
  • Technical Indicators
  • Expert Advisors (EA)
  • Transparent platform data
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We Care

Get showered with attention from the moment you register.

  • Quick and easy onboarding
  • Fanatical 24/5 support
  • Frictionless UX
  • Industry-leading ethical standards
  • Community outreach
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