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Pick among some of the world’s best forex traders and instantly convert their advice into live trades.

Titan FX allows you to copy-trade directly from your trading account with the ZuluTrade platform. TitanFX powered by ZuluTrade Technology includes the following features:



The ZuluTrade platform includes a performance table which ranks traders according to a proprietary performance algorithm which considers many performance and risk factors as well as more subjective signals from the Zulutrade community. In addition, ZuluRank suggests a minimum account equity required to follow the trader’s signal. ZuluRank is designed to provide an easy way to find traders to follow that suit you as an individual investor.


Your TitanFX copy-trading account has built-in risk monitoring features which observe the actions of the traders you are following and can cut in to protect your investment, known as ZuluGuard. ZuluGuard monitors your account according to parameters you set related to your own risk tolerance and exposure profile. ZuluGuard can also be configured to send you notifications when certain conditions are met, and even to automatically take profit!

Account Simulation

The ZuluTrade platform includes powerful modelling and prediction tools that can allow you to quickly and easily calculate potential profit and loss of following traders in different market circumstances. Prove your strategy before taking your account live!

Customisation and Control

When you copy-trade with TitanFX you retain full control of your account. Customisation allows you to configure lot sizes, set stops and limits, and, importantly, gives you the ability to edit or close any position in your account.

Advantages of copy-trading with TitanFX:

  • No monthly fee. There is no monthly fee or charge for accessing the ZuluTrade platform.
  • Access experienced currency traders. Choose signals from thousands of experienced currency traders based across 192 different countries.
  • Remove emotion from trading. Emotion in trading has been shown to have a negative impact, both on your balance and also on your peace of mind! Following the trades of others can reduce this impact.
  • Manage your risk. Your account comes with advanced risk management tools built in. You can configure these tools according to your risk tolerance.
  • Ease of use. Registering is quick and easy. Additionally, the platform is available in many languages, and configuring your account is simple.
  • No VPS or software required. Unlike Expert Advisors and other automated trading strategies there is no need to invest in a VPS or keep your computer running 24/7.Connect directly with your TitanFX trading account.

To sign up for copy-trading you’ll need to open a dedicated account. If you are already with us, you can open an additional account from Client Cabinet.

How to open an additional account

From ‘Open additional trading account’, please select MT4 platform type, Standard for account type, USD or JPY for base currency. Select ‘Yes’ for EA and type in ‘6001048’ for name of EA. When a new account is opened, please fill out this contract form and send it to our back office support@titanfx.com.

Trade Forex with Titan FX

Trade your way with access to the world’s leading trading platforms, including MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5). Experience exceptionalpricing, speed and liquidity with our proprietary Zero Point TM infrastructure.

Open an account now